Monday, March 28, 2011

Chippy is Introduced

Chippers here was made to start a legit drama filled legacy of awesomeness. We'll see how much of that we can get ;3
Now you're probably wondering about her name. Well when I started making her it was Groundhogs day, and in zoology class we learned that a groundhog is the same thing as a woodchuck, just two different names, then I wondered "Is a chipmunk related to a groundhog/woodchuck?" while making her and since I couldn't think of anything else she got named Chipmunk.
Jewl came from "jewelry" I was looking at my necklaces while trying to come up with a last name (since obviously all of my creativity was used up on her first) and I thought having jewelry as her last name would be a bit too odd.
And thus is the story of her weirdo name. The end.
Oh wait never mind it's the beginning XD